Rebound is doing alright... here's a pic (I actually have one of the inside that I'll give Tracy fair warning before I post it... would require me to FIX Camera connect to the PC download automatically thingy) His bandage is off and we got some powder at the Vet's yesterday to help dry the wound... He has stiches all the way through his little shaved ear :( poor little pooch...
on the DOWNLOW....I'm off to HR first thing this AM... again with the trying to move me... but this move would make my commute 2.2 miles (practically) vs. the 50 min. drive... trouble is... it's not moving my job... its a whole DIFFERENT job that I'm pretty sure I don't want but I'm going to due diligence and see the process through....
Fun night with the H family... MEXICAN!!!!! I hope to be back with pics... maybe tonight if I can get this thing figure out! (did I mention RAH!!!! :()
1 comment:
Hey I have a thingy (no idea what it's really called) that may work better than your cable. I'll see if I can dig it up for Saturday.
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