Friday, August 26, 2011

Last Days of Summ-AH

This past Wednesday was our last day at the lake with "Yiz and P-Bee" ALL the friends showed up and it was a BLAST!!! a CREW of Moms and kiddos ranging in ages...(the kids that is) from teenie tiny Baby T Vs. 2.0 that is only a MONTH old to the 13 year old I brought (Daws :)

Liz had planned and organized for all of us to TIE DYE!!! We had a BLAST!!! It was total and complete CONTROLLED chaos! :)

jobs for everyone and everyone had a job :)

sweet hostess with Momma Sunshine!
Mama H stealing some snuggles with 2.0 and the nephew we share :)

ah... the gals... the only reason that my girl is IN this shot is because it was P-Bee's turn on the "wing" aka swing. :) Minnie is OBSESSED with swings right now...


The mess-makers... or mess-avoiders with our gloves on :)

Such a FANTASTIC way to end our Wednesdays at the lake. We have had SO much fun enjoying the water at Liz's and making the t-shirts was such a FUN way to end... especially since they all came out so GREAT!!! :)

I just told Husband the other day how BLESSED beyond BLESSED I am with the community of like-minded women I have to support me. They are all going through similiar situations in their lives and in raising their babies. I never have to feel alone and I truely feel like my "village" steps up anytime I need them. I'm a blessed woman.

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