Wednesday, January 23, 2008

As Promised... let's start with Friday shall we?

We arrived late late Thursday night, (not psyched with the layover in Orlando when we only had another 40 min. flight to go)

infact by the time we got to G&M's house it might have actually been FRIDAY... but who's counting.. we hugged, chatted and went to bed WAY to late for people that had to get up for work, or be woken the next morning by two little people... but really... what's bad about that?? :)

I had teased Husband that I was going to give him 8 hours with A. and they would be in love... I think it took all of about 3 min.!!! :)

After lovingly being woken up by B. snuggling into bed with us because she was so excited (oh how I LOVE that girl) Husband made coffee that came literally STRAIGHT from Puerto Rico, from one of G's workers, to G, and then into my coffee cup. Doesn't come much more "fair trade" than that kids! DelICIOUS!

We decided to head to the beach since it was going to be 80-85 degrees out and if I'm going for the weekend I NEED SOME SUN PEOPLE!! :) G was able to take off from work and meet us for lunch which was SUPER nice and Husband was psyched.

We played in the sand and took off in time to grab an ice cream and head back home for HOT WINGS (per Husband's request!) :) Had a nice time just hanging out together at their house and enjoying what we used to do best when they lived up here... HANG OUT, EAT AND CHAT! :)

1 comment:

TracyMichele said...

If anyone deserves the extra security check at the airport it would be you two! HILARIOUS picture.