Sunday, January 27, 2008


Phew… try to keep up… weekends around here are typically OUT of control… this one was no exception. All fun stuff but is it SUNDAY NIGHT ALREADY!?!?!?

Friday night grabbed a quick bite at L&L’s before heading to GA’s game. Didn’t bring the camera, hence… no pics. They won and now I BELIEVE?? I def. could be wrong.. have the best record in the state?? GBoyz, correct me if I’m wrong…. So PROUD of you girls in that CRAZY AGRESSIVE GAME WITH THE REFS WHO NEVER TOOK THE "REF CLASS" (had they taken the class they may have made the RIGHT calls!!)

Saturday was a pretty free day which enabled me to clean the downstairs, run some errands with Husband, and come home to iron (rather beat my head against the top bunk of a bunk bed… but when you are married to a teacher who has 34 pairs of kahki pants and 56 oxford shirts… yah you get my drift) Then the fun started... It was Husband's BEST FRIEND'S SURPRISE 40TH Birthday party!!! We went to dinner with he and his wife first and then got him to the hall. We think he was surprised but he claims he "knew" :)

Good time had by all even if we were out until 11:30... 2.5 hours past my bedtime!! :) I'm OLD NOW!!!! :) (oh wait, maybe I've ALWAYS loved to SLEEP :)


TracyMichele said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You old man. ;)

TracyMichele said...

And for future reference, you should not throw SURPRISE parties for men over 40.. it is not good for their aging hearts. bwahahahahaa.. I kill me.