Tuesday, February 22, 2011

day 19 write about a sweet memory from your past

I'm going to blog about the first one that came to my mind... I'm actually especially proud that I HAD one come to mind... not so much because I didn't have many to choose from, only that I eat a LOT of Sweet 'n Low and artificial sweeteners and have for YEARS and I have NO memory. Often times JJ will tell a story from our childhood and I will look at him across a table in confusion and ask "Was I there? Are you sure that was us??" :) I remember NOTHING.

ANYWAY....BACK to the sweet memory... when I was little... I'm guessing 6-8-11ish? my Dad took me into our local country store that he used to work at (and later I worked at as WELL as JJ... family thing I guess) and he bought me a chocolate covered cherry. He specifically told me not to open it until later. He continued to chat with his old boss behind the counter and I.... well... I opened it. I'm guessing this was the first chocolate covered cherry I had ever enjoyed so when I bit into it I was surprised at the center and I LOST the jellied cherry out the other side of my candy. Fell right onto the floor in the store that I was NOT.SUPPOSED. TO.OPEN.IT.IN.

gone. lost the chocolate covered cherry and as most parents I'm sure would... my Dad used that opportunity as a practical lesson of obedience and there was no buying another one. Sad.

Fast forward a few 10-15 years... this story came up at the dinner table. CountryDad did not remember it and certainly had no idea how much it had effected me.
Flash forward a few months... Christmas morning... opening presents at the CountryRents and there tucked into the tree was a small white paper bag. Inside were SUGAR-FREE (because at this point I was a diabetic) and not ONE....but TWO chocolate covered cherries... just in case I ended up losing the first one...
Broke this girl into tears and even as I type it I get a little misty-eyed. Moral of the story I guess...

I was often a VERY disobedient girl but my Daddy loves me anyway and gave me LOTS of 2nd chances.


Anonymous said...

Why do you make me cry?cd

TracyMichele said...

Love this. CountryDad kinda rocks. :)