Friday, September 18, 2009

Well I'm not IN LABOR!

Minnie gave us a run for our HIGH RISK money yesterday...the girl has been practicing her breathing for longer than is "average" (oh yes, we are SO those parents that already think our kid is a genius! :) but she was having NONE of it yesterday... the U/S tech showed the 1/2 hour report to the DR and he decided on a non-stress test. Which really... totally doesn't make sense because the Mama was TOTALLY stressed... but...the good news is that I'm NOT contracting, her HR and movement and everything they saw on the test was fine...they will check for the breathing again next week and she'll be getting a stern talking to by her FATHER before we head to the big city!
THANKFULLY the day got better from there... I am glad I had decided ahead of time to take an entire sick day since CountryMum and I didn't get out of the Dr's office for about 2.5 hours... yikes! BUT... after meeting up with SIL J late in the afternoon... look who I got to come to Husband's soccer game with me?? We *might* want to work on sharing... at least with his PG Ant... just a thought?? :)

AND THEN guess who came and stayed for dinner!?!? :) I LOVE spontaneous and I LOVE impromptu! How about the fact that SIL J does that with two kids UNDER two!?!? :) Impressive.
They even hung out long enough for Husband to get home from the school and after CJ had already eaten his dinner... he was trying to steal Husband's "broc-leee" off his plate! :) Lucky for CJ he was going for the veggies and not the meat and potatoes! :) He really is SUCH a smart boy! :)

Thanks SIL J, CJ and Ho-Hahn :) for making my day GREAT! :)


Mama H said...

Whaaat!!!!?? Drama with Minnie Mouse...I had no idea!!! Glad everything is okay. :)

PS...maybe this is a little foreshadowing of how little girls can be high maintenence...?? *WINK*

TracyMichele said...

MamaH.. my boy is WAY more high maintenance than my girl. hehe.

Glad everything is ok, Countrymouse! And for the record, I could tell by your expression that you were not in labor. BAH.

Mama H said...

HILARIOUS!!! I would be curious to see how other people who have multiple children view the MAINTENANCE SCALE...hahaha.

Momma S said...

So glad that everything with Mini is ok.

Two girls for us and they are both EZ... so far!

Kat said...

Glad all is well with Minnie Mouse... ah yes, the drama with girls... such fun. xo