Friday, October 2, 2009

Dear Minnie...

You know I already love you... you must. I'm doing EVERYTHING I can to eat well, (and let's be honest, give you tasty treats now and then) but skipping the potato chips (that I ADORE at lunch time) and your Dad's pancakes ~ an oh LORDY HAVE MERCY they are to DIE for ~ just because it is not worth it after to try and keep my blood sugars nice and tight. Need I remind you I even wear additional "gear" to keep a nice "habitat" (as your cousin Chloe likes to say) for you...

Your Dad and I are getting things ready and there are SO many people that want to meet you and alREADY love will be one blessed little girl...

I have NO doubt that we will have our "run-ins" over the years (or I wouldn't be doing my job as your Momma) and that there will be times that I have to lay the "smack down" for you or even apologize to you since I am in no way, shape or form, perfect... (as evidenced this week by "BAD" blood sugars) but I will do all this because...well... I love you.

I do.


if you could be SO kind as to remove your WATERSKI sized HOOF from under my right rib cage and find SOME PLACE ELSE to get comfy that would be GREAT.

Can't wait to meet you little one, but feel free to stay put a couple more months...right AFTER you move that foot that is...

P.S. while we are still not sure in which of the two methods you will be removed from my persons I ASSURE you it will NOT be the right side of my belly like it seems you are trying to CLIMB OUT OF. :) *wink wink NUDGE NUDGE*

*img credit


Momma S said...

Love for someone you've never met and who causes you discomfort I think that's a great definition of unconditional Love.

Woman with Kids said...

I think that pretty much is how the rest of Minnie's childhood will be... at least that's how it is for my two boys. I love you, but if you don't stop doing that, you might have to stay in your room until 18th birthday.

Also? That's a fabulous picture!

Mama H said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! What an awesome picture, Country Mouse!!!!!! How on earth did you get her to 'pose' long enough to take the snapshot???

Oh my goodness...Oh my goodness...I can't wait to meet her!!!!