Monday, February 25, 2008

Not all roses....

I know He gives us trials to make us stronger, to "force" us to lean on Him more and more each day but some days I just wonder... how MUCH more... there is sadness in cancer... of a Mom that has 6 children... who loves the Lord with all her heart, mind and soul and there is not a shadow of a doubt in my mind of that... there is a sadness in cancer that is effecting my cousin... that is ripping its way through his body and forcing him to endure all the nasty side effects that go along with the evil miracle drug chemo...there is a sadness in my parents day to day struggle of caring for their parents/inlaws.... there is sadness behind closed doors at home where people don't know and don't see the day to day struggles of sometimes just making it through one more day and not knowing how because you miss someone so badly that your whole body hurts... not just your broken heart. But we hold on... and we look to the One who created us, who loves us unconditionally and we PRAY to just let His mercy rain out on us.

Driving home from work today I was listening to the local Christian radio station and Michael W. Smith came on. (no comments about how I love old man music. I LOVE old men! :)) It touched my soul. I needed more and I knew just the song. I popped in my "Worship" CD, flipped over to track 8 and turned it up loud. If you have not heard, or do not own, or haven't yet downloaded Let it Rain, let me encourage you to do so. Spend the .99 with i tunes or whomever you use and get the live version. Turn it up loud, let it penetrate your soul and spend some time coming to the feet of Jesus with your requests. I honestly don't know how I'd make it through without Him.

On with the night... no exciting pictures but exciting stuff for us... WE STAYED HOME!! :) ALL NIGHT. WE HUNG OUT. WE JUST STAYED HOME! :)

We had a yummy dinner of pasta primevera with chicken...

And I got the guest room ready for some very FUN overnight guests we'll be enjoying Saturday and Sunday. So cozy you can barely see in there... I might have accidentally turned off the flash too. Whoopsie :)

Off for MORE snuggle time on the couch with Husband... ahhhh.... the sound of a relaxed, trying counting her blessings in the midst of all the sadness, girl.

1 comment:

TracyMichele said...

I'm sorry to hear of all the sadness. :(:(

Although I am happy to see a night in with NO plans. Ah.. now THAT is how life should be lived. ;)