Found THIS under the register in the dining area last night. J.T. I can hear you laughing from here.... :) Thoughts? Someone left a pen in his pocket (no naming any names here) and yes it went ALL through our laundry. I treated our clothes with Zout (my mother swears by the stuff and we'll see if I am singing its praises when I get home tonight) but Husband tried to get the pen out of the dryer last night and it is NOT coming off... course when you rub it with your finger it smears and spreads all over so you KNOW when we run the next load of wet clothes through it will get all over them as well. HOW do we get this pen off the inside of the dryer!?!?!?!
And so it goes...
9 years ago
How about running a load (with no clothes) with BLEACH!!???
It's in the DRYER!?!?! :)
uuuhhh.....oh my....yeah, I have no idea....I was thinking it was the WASHER....EEK! Okay, after you take a billion deep breaths, I would suggest doing a simple search online. You can't be the only person who has ever had this happen. or can you!!??
Come on now... this HAS to have happened to L.R. :) she does live with SKY after all! :)
this stuff works WONDERS. Sam wrote all over our footstool with a GEL pen. It's ALL out now thanks to this 'wonder' product
One vote for MagicEraser.
Try hairspray!!! It gets pen out of clothes likity split!!! The pump kind works best! I used to keep a container of it by the washer for my husbands shirts...I WILL NOT ALLOW POCKET PROTECTORS!!! LOL!
Um.. do people actually USE hairspray still? I wasn't even sure it was on the market. LOL. If you pick up some, post a picture so I can see it. You know, for old times' sake. LOL.
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